Simple Vitamins and Minerals...
Can they Unlock the Secret
to Your Health?
Isn't it time you experienced the healthy rewards of supplemental vitamins and minerals? Imagine feeling your best each day with natural energy, improved mental acuity and enjoying life to its fullest. But no need to imagine! Today, accumulating scientific evidence strongly supports supplemental intake of vitamins and minerals. According to the Council for Responsible Nutrition these nutritional supplements have powerful benefits:
Decrease Sick Days Due to Infectious Disease in Elderly up to 50%
Lower the Rate of Heart Disease and Stroke
Delay or Avoid 20% or More of Hip Fractures Caused by Osteoporosis
Reduce Rate of Neural Tube Defects by 50% or More
Give the Gift of Sight to Millions by Delaying Onset of Cataracts and Age Related Macular Degeneration
Protect Against Some Types of Cancer
Council for Responsible Nutrition 2002
Its true, what you're about to read may have a decisively positive impact on your health, well-being and even success in life. Hi, my name is Tom Jungmann. As a life scientist, I understand the nutritional basis of good health. Now you can too :-) This site takes a look at the life-sustaining micronutrients, vitamins and minerals, supplements, their role in disease prevention and your health.
Arm Yourself With the Facts...
Increase Your "Distance from Disease"
If your even remotely interested in your health, take a few moments and empower yourself with the facts. By doing so, you may avoid years of unnecessary grief... the grief associated with the crippling and killer diseases jeopardizing our health today.
In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the major threats to your health are now:
Coronary Heart Disease (14 million per year)
Cancer (1.2 million per year)
Stroke (600,000 per year)
Diabetes (16 million per year)
Aside from the personal grief these diseases inflict, the burden to the American economy is staggering... 1.2 trillion dollars, fully 13% of the US gross domestic product. As the baby boomer population ages, that figure is expected to approach 20% !
And do you know how most of these conditions begin? Yes, you guessed it - long term suboptimal intake of vitamins and minerals. Interesting, piercing, damning indeed, but how true?
Heres what the Journal of the American Medical Association says about vitamins:
"... suboptimal intake of some vitamins, above levels causing classic vitamin deficiency, is a risk factor for chronic diseases and is common in the general population, especially the elderly"
JAMA, June 2002 Volume 287: pp1128-1136
Its no wonder! Vitamins and minerals affect every aspect of your life... how you function, feel, even your success and achievements.
And as we grow older, our lifestyle choices have more impact. What we took in stride in our twenties affects us differently now. A constellation of factors... stress, poor dietary habits, environmental factors and activity levels - all have profound effects.
And nutritional status, so dependent on precise interplay of key nutrients, may go out of sync like a rusty Swiss watch. Discomfort, low energy and chronic pain appear. Life's natural pleasures fade. What can you do?
Listen to your body! If you re-balance your nutrient intake with supplemental intake of vitamins and minerals, degenerative conditions can improve and in some cases, reverse completely - pure cause and effect!
And the really good news? Its all under your control! Today, there is just no reason to be victimized by poor nutritional status. High quality vitamin and mineral supplements can make huge improvements in your quality of life. Catch your symptoms now, safeguard your bones, heart and health for the future.
Simply no other choice in your life with such a high potential payoff may be as easy to incorporate as a high quality vitamin and mineral supplement. Its never to late to begin and your maximum benefits will accrue as you consistently participate in daily supplementation. Start here to begin your remarkable journey to life-rewarding health!
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